Family Engagement Plan

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2024-2025 Family Engagement Plan

Developing Strong Partnerships with our community is a key priority in our strategic plan. This plan focuses on sharing how we engage with our community.

We will move towards our vision through a focus on continuous improvement, annual projects, and multi-year projects within our four Strategic Directions. The district’s work will be centered on raising our highest levels of learning while narrowing the achievement gaps. 
Improving teaching and personalized learning for the development of each learner
Fostering a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment
Developing strong partnerships within the communities we serve
Optimizing our management of resources to support student learning


Fostering a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment
Our school staff has staff member(s) available for families to ask questions and get information
 Intercultural Specialist team (ICS)
Our school communicates with families in many ways
  • Star Tracker Weekly Newsletter- sent every other Friday
  • Welcome Back Open House with translation services (fall)
  • Middle School Transition Night with translation services (fall)

  • Evening With the Stars with translation services (spring)

  • Parent Teacher Organization - meets second Tuesday of each month at 4 p.m.

  • Parent Equity Team (in-person and online modalities)

  • Spring Climate Survey

If you have questions or concerns about bullying



Developing strong partnerships within the communities we serve
Staff actively seek and are open to feedback from families.
  • Family end of year Survey 

  • Mid year ideas 

  • Two-way communication (Talking Points, email, phone, in-person meetings)

The school will provide families with clear information on the curriculum, class schedules, programs, policies, and procedures.
  • Family Conferences 

  • Week-at-a-Glance (WAAGS) for each course 

  • School Website 

  • Curriculum Night

  • Open House 

  • Intercultural Specialists

  • Student Handbook

  • 5th to 6th grade Transition Night

Our school supports families as advocates and provides opportunities for parent engagement
What is the process for parents to follow if they are concerned about their child’s learning? We encourage families to work directly with the student’s teacher. Our school counselors main role is to support students, families navigating our school with success, with a primary focus on academics. Our school social worker can help students and families individual or families needs, helping to guide families to community resources. 
West School Counselors:
Shannon Hanlon
Scott Buschena
West School Social Worker:
Families can be directly involved in the guidance and development of our scholars by consistently checking the teacher’s Week-at-a-Glance where we communicate the learning that will be taking place. Infinite Campus is the system that communicates students grades and academic progress. Our teachers, student support staff and administrators are available to meet over the phone, Google meet and preferred in-person. There are 18 hours of direct student conferencing that takes place, offering in-person and Google meet options as multiple modalities. 
There are many opportunities for families to build connections to the school and to each other.

We have several school-wide family events each school year, beginning with our Open house events in August, Curriculum Night in September, followed by family connection phone calls from our student advisors in late November. In the winter we host an event for our rising 6th grade families and this spring West will host our school-wide Showcase event and a school-wide, family celebration in early May.


Improving teaching and personalized learning for the development of each learner 
Our school staff has staff member(s) available for families to ask questions and get information
Families are kept up-to-date on their child's progress through regular communications.
  • Infinite Campus
  • Class Week-at-a-Glance (WAAG)
  • Weekly Newsletter
  • PRIDE messages
  • Stop and Think messages
  • Conferences
Our school will engage families in Personalized Learning as a key strategy to develop each learner.

Chromebooks are used within grades K through 12 classrooms. Great teaching, when paired with the right technology, improves student learning. Chromebooks seamlessly connect to Eastern Carver County Schools’ network where students access apps and websites for their learning. Students log on using a district account provided through Google Workspace for Education. Student Google accounts are managed by Eastern Carver County Schools. This account is where students will store homework, projects, class notes, and more.

More information can be found here.